This section includes examples of primary care research projects from DFM faculty. These examples were selected to show a range of scale, methodology and topic. We also wanted to show the different stages and progression of a research project. We have included examples of DFM pilot projects that led to additional funding and publications. We have also shown the progression of some of our larger research projects from pilot stage to scale up.
E-dosette study – Henry Siu
- Pilot project: Siu H (PI), Price D, Howard M, Chan D, Mangin D. The e-dosette study – optimizing medication use and safety in community-dwelling seniors. DFM pilot funding. $5,000. 2014-2015
- Additional funding: Siu H, Chan D, Mangin D, Howard M, Price D. The eDosette Study: Optimizing medication use and safety in community dwelling seniors. TVN 2015 Catalyst Grant. $100,000. 2015-16
- 1st feasibility pilot: Siu H, Mangin D, Howard M, Price D, Chan D. Developing and testing an electronic medication administration monitoring device for community-dwelling seniors: a feasibility study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2017; 3(1)
- Feasibility study: Siu H, Delleman B, Langevin J, Mangin D, Howard M, Fang Q, Price D, Chan D. Demonstrating a technology-mediated intervention to support medication adherence in community-dwelling older adults in primary care: A feasibility study. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine May 2019; 5:1-11.
- Primary Care Research Update video (End-of-grant KT)
Learner mistreatment & abuse – Meredith Vanstone, Amanda Bell
- Pilot project : Vanstone M, Bell A, Dore K, Grierson L, Kinzie S, Mountjoy M, Walsh A. Medical learner mistreatment and abuse: Influence of clerkship and residency structure. DFM pilot funding. $5,000. 2016-2017.
- Additional funding: Bell A, Grant C, Vanstone M. Barriers to Medical Student Reporting of Mistreatment and Abuse. Canadian Association of Medical Educators Wooster Family Grant in Medical Education. $9,809. April 2017-June 2018.
- Additional funding: Vanstone M (PI), Connelly CE, (Co-PI), Bell A, Dore K, Mountjoy M, Walsh A, Wong A, Whyte R. Unproductive, unprofessional, and abusive behaviours in the clinical workplace: The influence of working environment on the development of future health leaders. Michael G. DeGroote Health Leadership Academy. $20,000. September 2017-August 2019.
- Publication: Bell A, Cavanagh A, Connelly CE, Walsh A, Vanstone M. Why do few medical students report their experiences of mistreatment to administration. Medical Education 2020; 55 (4): 462-470.
- Publication: Vanstone M, Cavanagh A, Molinaro M, Connelly C, Bell A, Mountjoy M, Whyte R, Grierson L. (2023). How medical learners and educators decide what counts as mistreatment: A qualitative study. Medical Education.57(10): 910-920.
- Degrees granted:
- Amanda Bell, MSc of Health Sciences Education
- Policy changes influenced by this body of work:
- Establishment of Office of Learner Experience and Mistreatment
- Introduction of new reporting system for mistreatment at McMaster
- Addition of “If you have experienced or witnessed mistreatment” line in e-mail signature of UGME staff
Second Heart program – Robin Lennox
- Pilot project: Lennox R. What makes a good peer support worker to support people who inject drugs after hospitalization? DFM pilot funding. $4,980. 2018-2019
- Publi Lennox R, Lamarche L. & O’Shea T. (2021). Peer support workers as a bridge: a qualitative study exploring the role of peer support workers in the care of people who use drugs during and after hospitalization. Harm Reduct J 18, 19.
- Grant: Lennox R (co-PI), Martin L (co-PI), Lamarche L, O’Shea T, Whitlock R, Belley-Cote E, Regenstreif L, Kouyoumjian F, Neary J, You J, Mertz D. The Second Heart Program: A peer-focused, multidisciplinary harm reduction intervention to improve outcomes for people who inject drugs after admission for infective endocarditis. Hamilton Academic Health Sciences Organization (HAHSO). $187,000. April 2020 to September 2022
MaiD systematic review – Tejal Patel
- Pilot project: Patel T. Managing requests for hastened death: How can we educate physicians to provide high quality care for their patients, family members and themselves? DFM pilot funding. $4878.80. 2017-2018
- Publication: Patel T, Christy K, Grierson L, Shadd J, Farag A, O’Toole D, Lawson J, Vanstone M. How do clinicians respond to requests for hastened death in jurisdictions where medically assisted death is available? A systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative research. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care 2021;11(1):59-67.
Advance Care Planning – Dale Guenter, Michelle Howard
- Pilot project: Testing and Improving a Training Module for Advance Care Planning Among Primary Care Clinicians and Trainees. DFM pilot funding. $5,000. 2017-2018
- Additional funding: Howard M (PI). Improving advance care planning for frail elderly Canadians, Canadian Frailty Network, Transformative Grant. $365,390.70. April 2017 to March 2020.
- Publication: Hafid A, Howard M, Guenter D, Elston D, Fikree S, Gallagher E, Winemaker S, Waters H. Advance care planning conversations in primary care: a quality improvement project using the Serious Illness Care Program. BMC Palliative Care 2021; 20, 122.
TAPER – Dee Mangin
- 2 pilot projects
- Mangin D, Dolovich L, Agarwal G, Siu H. Deprescribing to optimize medicine use and safety in seniors. DFM pilot funding. $5,000. 2014-2015
- Mangin D. Retrospective analysis of legacy drug prescribing patterns and associations. DFM pilot funding. $5,000. 2016-2017.
- Other funding: CFN, CIHR, Labarge
- Publications informing the development of TAPER
- Mangin D, Stephen G, Bismah V, et al. Making patient values visible in healthcare: a systematic review of tools to assess patient treatment priorities and preferences in the context of multimorbidity. BMJ Open 2016;6:e010903.
- Mangin D, Lawson J, Cuppage J, Shaw E, Ivanyi K, Davis A, Risdon C. Legacy Drug-Prescribing Patterns in Primary Care. Annals of Family Medicine November 2018; 16(6): 515-520
- Lamarche L, Tejpal A, Mangin D. Self-efficacy for medication management. Patient Preference and Adherence 2018; 12: 1279-1287.
- Mangin D, Parascandalo J, Khudoyarova O, Agarwal G, Bismah V, Orr S. Multimorbidity, eHealth and implications for equity: a cross-sectional survey of patient perspectives on eHealth. BMJ Open 2019; 9(2):e023731.
- Mangin D, Risdon C, Lamarche L, Langevin J, Ali A, Parascandalo J, Stephen G, Trimble J. ‘I think this medicine actually killed my wife’: Patient and family perspectives on shared decision-making to optimize medications and safety. Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety 2019; 10:1-12.
CP@clinic – Gina Agarwal
- Pilot – Quantitative: Agarwal G, Angeles RN, McDonough B, McLeod B, Marzanek F, Pirrie M, Dolovich L. Development of a community health and wellness pilot in a subsidised seniors’ apartment building in Hamilton Ontario: Community Health Awareness Program delivered by Emergency Medical Services (CHAP-EMS). BMC Research Notes. 2015; 8(8): 113.
- Pilot – Qualitative: Brydges M, Denton M, Agarwal G. The CHAP-EMS health promotion program: a qualitative study on participants’ views of the role of paramedics. BMC Health Services Research. 2016; 16:435.
- Hamilton RCT: Agarwal G, Angeles R, Pirrie M, McLeod B, Marzanek F, Parascandalo J, Thabane L. Evaluation of a community paramedicine health promotion and lifestyle risk assessment program for older adults who live in social housing: a cluster randomized trial. CMAJ 2018. May 28;190(21):E638-E47.
- Multi-community RCT: Agarwal G, Angeles R, Pirrie M, McLeod B, Marzanek F, Parascandalo J, Thabane L. Reducing 9-1-1 emergency medical service calls by implementing a community paramedicine program for vulnerable older adults in public housing in Canada: A multi-site cluster randomized controlled trial. Prehospital Emergency Care 2019;23(5):718-729.
- Cost-effectiveness analysis: Agarwal G, Pirrie M, Angeles R, Marzanek F, Thabane L, O’Reilly D. Cost-effectiveness analysis of a community paramedicine programme for low-income seniors living in subsidised housing: the community paramedicine at clinic programme (CP@clinic). BMJ Open 2020;10:e037386.
Health TAPESTRY – Dee Mangin, Doug Oliver, David Price
- Feasibility study: Javadi, D., Lamarche, L., Avilla, E. et al. Feasibility study of goal setting discussions between older adults and volunteers facilitated by an eHealth application: development of the Health TAPESTRY approach. Pilot Feasibility Stud 4, 184 (2018).
- 1st RCT results: Dolovich L, Oliver D, Lamarche L, Thabane L, Valaitis R, Agarwal G, Carr T, Foster G, Griffith L, Javadi D, Kastner M, Mangin D, Papaioannou A, Ploeg J, Raina P, Richardson J, Risdon C, Santaguida P, Straus S, Price D. Combining volunteers and primary care teamwork to support health goals and needs of older adults: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2019; 191(18): e491-500.
- Qualitative evaluation: Gaber J, Oliver D, Valaitis R, Cleghorn L, Lamarche L, Avilla E, et al. Experiences of integrating community volunteers as extensions of the primary care team to help support older adults at home: a qualitative study. BMC Family Practice 2020; 21, 92.
- Qualitative using a framework (Normalization Process Theory): Valaitis, R., Cleghorn, L., Dolovich, L. et al. Examining Interprofessional teams structures and processes in the implementation of a primary care intervention (Health TAPESTRY) for older adults using normalization process theory. BMC Fam Pract 21, 63 (2020).
- Scale-up protocol: Mangin D, Lamarche L, Oliver D et al. Health TAPESTRY Ontario: protocol for a randomized controlled trial to test reproducibility and implementation. Trials 2020; 21, 714.
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